New form 4004-1 Certification in Support of Ch 13 Discharge

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Court has posted a revised NM LF 4004-1, Certification in Support of Chapter 13 Discharge, to the Court’s website,  Please begin using the revised NM LF 4004-1 immediately.  Joint debtors may now both sign the same Certification, if appropriate.  The Chapter 13 Trustee has also revised the Notice of Completion of Plan Payments.  The Notice of Completion of Plan Payments includes a request for termination of any wage order then in place.   The Clerk’s Chapter 13 discharge process will, for the most part, remain the same.  The Clerk will send the Clerk’s Notice to Debtor of Deadline to File Certification in Support of Chapter 13 Discharge after the Chapter 13 Trustee files the Notice of Completion of Plan Payments.  The Clerk will also send the Notice of Deadline for Filing Objections to Debtor’s Discharge to all creditors and parties in interest after the Debtor files the Certification in Support of Chapter 13 Discharge.